A Jamaica Fire Brigade unit makes its way on to the KWL terminal in a simulation exercise conducted last week in keeping with the requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. - Contributed photos Kingston Wharves Limited (KWL) conducted a very successful training exercise at its Port Bustamante facility on Thursday, June 28 in keeping with the requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
The exercise took place under the direction of Grantley Stephenson, chairman and CEO of KWL, and tested communication, coordination, response and resources and involved a live evacuation of all persons on the facility to designated assembly areas. Conducted in two parts, the exercise included a tabletop exercise in which the KWL port security committee did a simulation of the actions that would be taken in the event of a bomb threat at Berth Eight and the live evacuation of facility users to the designated assembly areas.
Facility users responded to the emergency siren and were evacuated to the assembly areas under the direction of the safety monitors. The exercise was observed and evaluated by representatives of key national security and emergency response agencies and specially invited guests from the maritime and related industries.
Ensuring the safety and security
Commenting on the event, Mr. Stephenson noted: "The exercise focused on ensuring the safety and security of our people, our most important asset, and was very successful as we were able to move people away from the threat and to the assembly areas in record time.
"This would not have been possible without the hard work of our safety monitors and the cooperation of our customers, employees, contractors and other users of the facility. We therefore extend our greatest appreciation to all persons who were involved in or participated in this very useful exercise."
KWL and its subsidiary, Security Administrators Limited, have established themselves as regional leaders in the industry in terms of implementation of the ISPS Code and also training port facility security officers of other Caribbean territories.