Athaliah Reynolds, Staff Reporter

The Hermitage Dam, St. Andrew, which is now at 60 per cent of its capacity. - file
RESIDENTS OF various parts of the Corporate Area could be affected by water restrictions as early as next week because of a fall in water levels in its catchment systems, the National Water Commission (NWC) says.
Charles Buchanan, corporate public relations manager at the NWC, said these restrictions are likely to affect areas supplied by the Hermitage Dam and Constant Spring reservoir. These areas include Manor Park, Stony Hill, Red Hills and Constant Spring.
He explained that residents will see a reduction in water pressure, especially during the late nights which are considered low-demand periods.
The NWC said that, unlike the Mona reservoir, which has a storage capacity of 8.9 million gallons, Hermitage has a capacity of approximately 3.9 million gallons and is, at present, hovering around a 60 per cent storage capacity.
Mr. Buchanan added that it is important to apply various limitations on water usage in order to ensure that the current outflow matches the inflow.
He also said there are no planned restrictions for the Mona reservoir at this time, and hopes that the nightly restrictions affecting the Hermitage system will not be for an extended period.
The NWC advises that it is essential that residents assist by employing water conservation methods.
Four basic ways to save water

Economise: Be conscious of the amount of water you utilise and use less whenever you can.
Fix leaks: A leak of merely one drop per second, wastes 2,400 gallons per year! Most leaks are easy to repair with some basic know-how and a few simple tools.
Water-saving devices: There are a number of simple devices that can significantly reduce water usage. These include aerators, flow regulators and displacement devices.
Reuse water: Used water, such as at the kitchen sink and the washstand, is often suitable for other purposes. If this 'grey water' is used more than once, it saves water for other uses.