Left: If your job requires you to wear a suit daily, ensure that the shirt and tie complement the suit colour. This is a perfect example. A burnt orange shirt could also be substituted for this white one to add a bit more colour to the look.Right: One can still achieve a corporate look without wearing a tie. This black pin-striped shirt paired with black pants is a perfect example of how to go tieless. - photos by Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer Grooming says a lot about a man. His fashion sense, or lack thereof, can endanger his career or offend colleagues in the workplace.
Fashion crimes are an everyday occurrence, but you don't have to suffer. Here are some dos and don'ts that will help you to improve your image.
- Yahneake Sterling
Khaki, handkerchief linen. Switch up the jeans routine with some different fabrics.
Black and brown leather shoes are to be a staple.
At least one classy sandal to jazz up jeans and shirt for a more polished casually elegant look.
Button down long sleeve shirts are a great look
Experiment with colours if you are really a macho guy, pink will not take from your masculinity.
Avoid tucking shirts (except for formal occasions) especially if you have a belly.

Left: Wearing a pair of dockers pants, with a polo shirt over a plaid shirt tucked in is a better choice for a casual Friday. The plaid shirt can also be worn solo. Right: Jazz up this plaid shirt with a solid polo shirt with a pair of dockers pants and you are all set for casual Friday.
Do: In the corporate world, always carry a briefcase or a messenger bag. Don't. Never carry a backpack.
Do: Limit the number of colours you wear to at least three that blend together. Don't. Never wear clashing colours.
Do: Wear a cologne of quality, it means you apply less. Don't wear too much cologne, this can easily irritate the persons around you.
Do: Wear limited accessories, such as a watch or a ring.Don't wear excessive jewellery, such as thick chains or bling.
Other general dos and don'ts include:

Left: This multi-coloured shirt is really fashionable, but pairing it with this ripped jeans shorts is not suitable for a casual Friday. This is a don't!
Baggy pants were not even flattering when they were the fad.
White tube socks are never to be worn with gentlemen's shoes. That look went out in the '80s.
No baseball caps, sweats and jerseys unless you are headed to the field, or just hanging with guys.
Avoid loud logos from head to toe, you are not a walking billboard.
When selecting a suit for formal attire, avoid the big, built-up shoulder. It usually just makes your head and neck look smaller.

Left: Do wear your tie so that the tip of the tie kisses the buckle of your belt. Right: Don't wear your tie in the middle of your shirt. This is a definite no-no.
To help you get that corporate look, Flair took a trip to Go West Shop, 24 Village Plaza and Shop 20 Mall Plaza, Constant Spring Road,where stylist Michelle Haynes put together some great looks.