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Jamaica Gleaner Business
published: Wednesday | May 23, 2007

NCB Capital Markets announcesrights issue
Eight months after listing on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, NCB Capital Markets yesterday announced that it would seek to raise additional capital to fund its expansion by way of a renounceable rights issue of the company's preference stock. "We are an investment bank...

Ex-Im opens NIF loan facility

The National Export Import Bank of Jamaica has got the first tranche of a $100 million drawdown from the National Insurance Fund (NIF), and is ready to start disbursing loans.But Ex-Im, which will bear much of the credit risk for the loans, is implementing a rigorous screening...

Digicel claims 1.7m Jamaican subscribers - Reports 144% world market growth

Digicel Group on Tuesday reported a 100,000 growth in its Jamaican customer base, nixing suggestions that its market might have peaked locally. "Both existing and new markets are experiencing strong growth," said Maureen Rabbitt, in response to Wednesday Business queries....

Croskery assures court of cooperation on Chen-Young properties

The Supreme Court has lifted the injunction against Hugh Croskery in his capacity as trustee of Phoenix Noteholder's Trust, the stockbroker has announced in a public statement.Justice Marjorie Cole-Smith had initially placed an injunction on Croskery to May 10, and had given him 14 days...

Premium bus rides - JUTC using cricket buses for high-priced service

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) has possession of 35 of the 50 new buses acquired for Cricket World Cup, but yesterday the state-run agency said its fleet still remains more than 100 buses short of the number needed to service the city.

EIB opens Caribbean office

The European Investment Bank (EIB) Monday officially opened a Caribbean office in theFrench-speaking island of Martinique, the European Commission's Guyana office has announced. The new Caribbean operation is the fourth EIB regional representative office in the African Caribbean...

Dom Rep bans sale of tainted toothpaste

The Dominican Republic has clamped a ban on sales of two brands of Chinese toothpaste because they may contain a potentially lethal chemical.An estimated 90,000 units of the toothpaste, imported from Panama and sold under the brand names Excel and Mr. Cool...

FirstCaribbean seals 'Deal of the Year'

FirstCaribbean International Bank has been recognised by the Banker and Financial Times Group for a deal structured on behalf of the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago last year. FirstCaribbean's capital markets unit...

Obasanjo criticised over Nigerian 'fire sale'

Outgoing Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo hasembarked on a sale of state assets to allies in the private sector in the dying days of his administration, prompting accusations of double standards.Critics say Obasanjo is disregarding due process and paying off his friends...

China-US dialogue - Wu urges trade cooperation, Paulson cautions against anti-China sentiment

The United States and China should cooperate to bring their trade relationship into balance and not complicate the situation by taking a confrontational approach, a senior Chinese official said on Tuesday. "Problems and contradictions emerging in the development...

British Airways backs TPG bid for Iberia

British Airways said it has decided to join a group bidding for Spanish airline Iberia led by private equity firm Texas Pacific Group (TPG). TPG and its partners have already made an indicative bid worth €3.4 billion (US$4.6 billion) for Iberia, or €3.60 per share....

Mentoring young workers

Doing right by new worker bees sounds like an easy task, but the advice and actions of the mentor can create or squash a career.You could send a person running, thinking this is the worst field for him. You could also help mentees get jobs and make their entire careers.

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