Teacher, Ann-Marie Thomas (left), gets a special hug from Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller at the South West St. Andrew Teachers' Day luncheon, at Vale Royal on Wednesday. Mrs. Simpson Miller is the Member of Parliament for South West St. Andrew. -Junior Dowie/Staff PhotographerIn an effort to assess the island's teachers' qualifications, among other things, the Ministry of Education and Youth, on Wednesday, launched the Teachers' Registration Programme.
The Ministry of Education and Youth has established the objective of registering all teachers in Jamaica by August 2009.
The programme will be administered by the Teachers' Service Commission.
What is teachers' registration?
This is a programme in which all teachers in the public education system and those in private educational institutions are registered. It involves the assessment of a teacher's qualifications; character; physical and mental state, to determine his/her suitability to educate the nation's youth.
Each teacher is required to complete a registration application prior to entering the education system.
A teacher registration certificate, which includes a discrete number, is assigned to each successful applicant.
Intended categories
Public educational institutions
Teachers currently employed need to regularise the status of their registration.
Teachers who will be newly employed need to be registered prior to such employment.
Teachers who need to be trained in pedagogy, in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force Report on Education and the requirements of the Education (Amendment) Act and Regulations.
Private educational institutions
While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that teachers currently employed regularise the status of their registration.
Benefits of registration
Creating a modern education system for Jamaica requires that the Ministry of Education and Youth achieve conformity with the recommendations of the Task Force Report on Education.
Range of benefits
Eligibility for employment (Effective September 2009 only registered teachers will be granted this opportunity)
Eligibility for permanent appointment
Accessing study leave
Accessing study loans
Accessing motor vehicles loan
Eligibility for promotional opportunities.