A family that sings together stays together. Lubert Levy (left) and his children, who compose Levy Heritage, please the crowd at the 'Evening of Musical Bliss' concert, held at Covenant Moravian Church, on Molynes Road, with their harmonies and dance, last year October. - Colin Hamilton/Freelance PhotographerAndré Jebbinson, Staff Reporter
You dare not remain seated when Lubert Levy is performing. He has an energy that can almost cause the lame to walk. At one of his most recent concerts, in St. Catherine, the bigger names on the line-up faded behind the awesome presence that Levy brought to the table.
"After years of trying in the business and now thing are finally happening, it's like I have all this energy to let off. I am also trying to do my best every time I go on stage," Levy said.
It has been a long road to where he is today, but Lubert Levy never lost sight on hismission to "touch lives through singing the spoken word." After being thrown from left to right, Levy's breakthrough came in two segments. The first came in 2003 when he was placed second in the the Tastee Talent Search semi-final.
The following year he entered the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission's National Gospel Song Competition and got his major breakthrough. He won the competition that year with More Blessing Again. Ever since, Levy has been on a rise. In that same year, Levy released his debut album, Blessing Again, becoming the first winner of the competition to release an album in the victory year. He also ministered at concerts in Grand Cayman, Curaçao and Canada.
Levy was nominated Male Vocalist of the Year at the 2006 Maja Jamaica Gospel Music Awards. It seems there is no stopping him as his second album, Tek It By Force, was released in March this year.
"It was a struggle, but now I am getting my name out there. Part of the reason people love me so much is because I am humble. They say other artistes in my position would gwaan a way," Levy said.
His brood is there too
But that is not the only reason audiences are in love with Levy. Wherever he goes his brood is there with him. His children, Ovando, Oniel and Oshin, all are a part of his ministry. They too are always a treat for audiences.
"People say I am a family man and they love that. You know, sometimes the fathers are absent and I am there performing with my children," Levy said.
Armed with a passion for singing and writing songs, after 20 years of trying, Lubert Levy is finally seeing the rewards. He still does not own a vehicle, but is living in faith. That faith, he thinks, will provide him with all his needs.

Lubert Levy is like man on fire as he thrills the audience at 'Praises In The Temple', held in late April. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer