The Editor, Sir:I must say that I am a JLP follower and I was most appalled by the statement made by Joan Webley. She called our Prime Minister a 'Jezebel' in her speech, but truth be told, I think she is more of a 'Jezebel' than the Prime Minister. My opinion of her is that she is an 'educated sketel'. I am not saying that I agree with every decision made by Mrs. Simpson Miller, but give respect to the lady.
If Mrs. Webley was such a better person, why didn't she run for Prime Minister? My advice to Mrs. Webley is to go back to her 'hole' and leave the Prime Minister alone. Her type of politics is no longer welcome in Jamaica. Mrs. Webley should not be in politics anymore.
Growing up, I've always heard that a woman is a woman's worst enemy. The type of politics that she is accustomed to is the type back in the days when people were killing each other. I looked at her body language and the way she portrayed herself in public as a woman with absolutely no class. Mrs. Webley needs to take a page or two from Mrs. Simpson Miller and learn how to behave like a lady.
There is an old saying, "You can take the pig out of the gutter, but you can't take the gutter from his mind."
I am, etc.,
Olympic Garden
Kingston 11
Via Go-Jamaica