Angela Philipps, Contributor
Come on ladies, you know you've had one! Whether we've made him up to our friends or we've created the character in our heads, a few of us, at some point in our lives, have had an imaginary boyfriend. This article is about the one we make up in our minds, though. We don't pretend to anyone else that we have a boyfriend, but we do imagine what it would be like to have one, as well as what he would be like if he did indeed exist!
I have recently acquired my own imaginary boyfriend. He is a real person, and we have hung out together, but just as friends. So far, he has been a sweet guy. He is intelligent and kind, has a sense of humour, gets on with my friends he has encountered, calls me regularly, but not too much, and most important of all, he let's me be the centre of attention! In my imagination, he will continue to be this way for as long as I need him to be, and he won't let me down. He is not my boyfriend, I don't tell anyone that he is, but my close friends know that in my imagination he is perfect!
I remember when I was little, I always envisaged that my friends from school would come home and play with me each afternoon. I did not invent people ... I simply pretended that they had come back to my house after classes were over.
So, about this imaginary boyfriend of mine ... The concept occurred to me one night when I realised that I liked the vibe of this guy I had met earlier that day, and a friend asked me who he was. I turned to her and out popped, "He's my imaginary boyfriend." I thought it was a cute and light-hearted way of referring to a man whom I fancy. Well, the nickname has stuck!
A good man
Many single women fantasise about what it would be like to have a good man in their lives. They've either been through some bad relationships recently, or they've been single for a while, so the daydream of the perfect partner sheds some hope on an otherwise lonely existence. I certainly don't mean that these women are desperate - the most busy, independent and popular lady may desire some form of intimate companionship, and there is not a thing wrong with that. However, she might not have time to develop a steady relationship with a fellow, so why not build castles in the air? Truth be known, you never have to answer to the make-believe man. You can do what you like, come home when you want, and he'll never give you hassle. In fact, the thought of him actually relieves you of some of your daily stresses. Wow! Why don't all women have one?
In some ways, this benefits the lad too, you know. If he does actually exist but doesn't know that he is the lady in question's imaginary boyfriend, then she can never nag him. If she does, then she's exposing her sentiments, which is precisely what she wouldn't want to do. She has put him on a pedestal and is completely satisfied with the way he is. There is literally nothing to complain about. He gets the friendship and the flattery without the work! Ideal set up, really.
OK, so it's a sinister way of looking at relationships - protecting my feelings, making sure I don't get hurt - but it's all in a bit of fun really, and right now it works for me! Not to mention the emails I might generate among my readers. You'll either get what I am talking about, or you'll be mystified as to why anyone would want animaginary boyfriend ... surely, I'd want a real one?