Wendel Abel Schizophrenia is a group of disorders characterised by disturbance in mood, behaviour, perception and thinking.
Can mental disorders occur in children?
Schizophrenia often begins in young adulthoo increasingly we are recognising that this disorder actually starts earlier and that in most individuals it may manifest itself between age eight and 13.
What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?
The disorder results in a number of symptoms. Persons may hear voices when no one is actually talking to them. This is referred to as auditory hallucination. These voices may order them to do things, comment on their behaviour or may be arguing in their heads.
Individuals may also see things that others are not seeing, such as seeing ghosts or strange objects or persons. This is referred to as visual hallucination.
Persons with schizophrenia may also have false beliefs in which they think persons are trying to harm them; that their food is being poisoned to the extent that they refuse to eat from anyone. They may accuse their neighbours or family members of spying on them and talking about them. This form of schizophrenia is called the paranoid type. In addition, persons who are paranoid are usually very secretive and suspicious.
In the more severe form of the disorder, the individual may become socially withdrawn and refuse to communicate with others.
What causes mental disorders?
The causes are many, it may be genetic as it runs in families. Any stressful life event may lead to mental illness such as financial problems, loss of a job, retirement and marital problems just to name a few.
Regardless of the cause or the diagnosis, the underlying disturbance is a chemical imbalance in the brain. A rich juice of chemicals maintain the brain. In schizophrenia, one such chemical, dopamine, is increased.
Drugs and mental illness
Cannabis and cocaine use may trigger schizophrenia in persons who may be at risk for developing the illness. The relationship between ganja use and mental illness is controversial. Some persons who are mentally ill report reduction in symptoms when they smoke ganja, for others there is a worsening of symptoms.
Is mental illness due to obeah or demon possession?
Some persons believe that mental illness may be due to demon possession or obeah. The fact is mental illness is like any other form of sickness.
How does schizophrenia affect the individual?
Schizophrenia may produce symptoms which the individual finds very distressing. The illness may affect an individual's ability to function at work, school or impair relationships.
Can mental illness be treated?
Some disorders are of short duration but unfortunately some conditions last a lifetime. With proper treatment, however, many individuals with mental illness are able to live a productive life. Most persons need to take their medication on a regular basis. Fortunately, newer and more effective medications are available. You should discuss the treatment options with your doctor.
Can persons with schizophrenia live a normal life?
The majority of persons with schizophrenia lead a normal and regular life. In fact, many persons are able to complete their education, pursue their career and lead a happy family life.
What services are available in Jamaica?
1. Clinics and hospital services - outpatient services are available in over 100 health centres in Jamaica. Only a few individuals may need to be admitted to hospitals.
2. The Bellevue Hospital is a mental hospital. Many countries have closed their mental hospitals and have shifted to community services.
3. Community residential facilities. These are regular homes within the community in which individuals reside and receive treatment.
4. Family support group. A family support group, MENSANA, exists in Jamaica.
5. Community rehabilitation facilities - these facilities operate as day centres delivering a wide range of rehabilitation services.
- Dr. Wendel Abel is a consul- tant psychiatrist and senior lecturer, University of the West Indies; email: yourhealth@gleanerjm.com.