Mark and Roxanne Ludwigson with the bride's sister Nicola Vassell (right) and cousins Stefanie Thomas (left) and Tamara Anderson. - Contributed
The marriage ceremony for Roxanne and Mark Ludwigson took place in the garden, Sunset Jamaica Grande, on December 9, 2006.
The officiating ministers were Pastor Laurie McIntyre of Elmbrook Church, Brookfield, Wisconsin and Rev. A. Oliver Fraser, Baptist minister of Ocho Rios, Jamaica.
In addition to the traditional vows, the couple included several carefully selected Bible verses, such as:
"I will rejoice when you rejoice and mourn when you mourn"
(Rom. 12:15)
"I will trust God's word to light our path" (Psalms 119:05)
"I will be united to you as one"
(Gen 2:24)
The reception was held in the Windsor Ball Room at Sunset Jamaica Grande with music by Trio Ambience. Roxanne and Mark spent their honeymoon at Couples Sans Souci, Jamaica.
A second reception was held on Saturday, January 13, at the Eau Claire Gun Club, Wisconsin, for family and friends who were unable to attend the ceremony in Jamaica.
Roxanne and Mark Ludwigson