EDITORIAL - Social factors and human trafficking
IT IS good that the Government has now brought to Parliament legislation, passed by the Senate on Friday, setting out specific offences and penalties for trafficking in human beings.
CCJ: recalling the debate
LAST WEEK, the Commonwealth Secretariat organised a seminar on the Caribbean Court of Justice in Kingston. The main purpose of the seminar was to promote the spread of information about the CCJ to various senior officials ... - Stephen Vasciannie
Where do the children play?
ELEMENTS WITHIN the parish of St. James are hell-bent on creating havoc in the tourism capital, while ensuring that it becomes the murder capital of Jamaica. Just when it is felt that enough is enough, more murders... - Beverley Anderson-Manley
Living in hell
WE OFTEN see people on television lamenting the bloodshed in their war-torn communities. In spite of our media-evoked sympathy, there remains some abstractness until we look into their weary and frightened eyes... - Garth Rattray