Be strong
We were not put here on earth to dream,
Shoot and kill or to just drift,
We have hard work to do and
many loads to lift.
Reject not the
struggles! Face them
They are a part of everyday living
And a part of God's giving.
Do not say the days are evil,
Who is to be blamed?
Then fold your arms and acquiesce
O shame!
Stand up! Speak out bravely in God's name,
Be strong!
Vonie Jue
Can love be defined?
Is love for fools? Then who is wise?
Is love a figment of the imagination?
Are lovers born or made?
Does love touch the deepest recess of the heart?
Then fizzle out leaving you staring at the pitch-black ceiling?
Does love fuel pain that sends you up the wall?
And the heart to the repair shop?
Is there a limit to the forbearance of the heart?
Are there strategies that can protect the heart from loving?
Can a heart that has been devastated by love be energised?
Or is it left hard, cold and uncaring?
Will I ever find the answers to these
questions, and more?
Probably, only time will tell.
Gloria Collins-Kennedy
When fortune gathers clouds of gloom,
And dreams are turning into doom,
Fret not, nor pine for sky that's blue,
Or thus conclude your life is through
For when the dark with
blackness rules,
It's making way for stars in you.
Homer Sylvester
Proud of our athletes
We are proud of our athletes,
They magnify Jamaica, our land
At international meets,
The nation's blending band.
We are proud of our athletes
They uphold Jamaica's reputation
As their fine performance nations greet
With a standing ovation.
We are proud of our athletes,
They provide us with inspiration
Training, hard work, we must heed,
Win success for the nation.
Bertram G. Henry
To poetry
In moments of
quiet contemplation
the beauty,
the imagery,
the music,
of poetry
like a spiritual force
suffuses and moves me,
like nothing else
on earth.
Tatlyn Carter