Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Occupation: Student, University College of the Caribbean.
Sponsor: Ms. Mega Skyy
SG: Why did you decide to enter the competition?
MB: It has been a dream of mine ever since. I've always wanted to be in a beauty competition, the whole modelling thing. Plus, I think the exposure, experience would be good.
SG: What is your definition of a beauty queen?
MB: Not someone that's only beautiful, but she's intelligent, has wit, she's smart, outgoing.
SG: What do you expect to achieve by entering the competition?
MB: This would be a boost to my self-esteem. Give me a lot more courage to do a lot more stuff in life.
SG: What is your best asset?
MB: My personality. I'm very friendly. I'm the one to always give a joke. Around me there can never be a dull moment, except when I'm hungry. I'm funny, witty, love to have fun, always going out.
SG: How would you sell Jamaica to a foreigner in light of the high crime rate?
MB: I'd have to tell them that crime is not only limited to Jamaica. Although the crime rate is high there is a lot more to Jamaica to enjoy. There's the food, the music and the beaches, especially in Ocho Rios. I'd have to tell them that when they come to Jamaica they have to be careful of the places they go, but all in all Jamaica is not a bad place to vacation.
SG: What do you love the most about Jamaica?
MB: The food. That's the thing I love the most. Especially curry. Curried goat, curried chicken, manish water. That's what I really like.
SG: If you could meet one person, who would it be, and why?
MB: Nelson Mandela, because of all the things he's been through; he's such a strong individual. He's one that you can look up to and get motivation from. No matter what happens to you, if you fall, get up and brush yourself off and you're at it again.
SG: If you win, what sector of the society would you work with?
MB: That has to be the teenagers. Basically, for my age group I think the majority is vast, and you have to start working with them from now in order that when they become adults they become upstanding, outstanding citizens.
SG: If you were the Prime Minister what changes would you make, and how?
MB: I wouldn't say change anything, but in terms of education, early childhood. I think that toddlers, once you've been given the proper foundation you can't divert from that. I'd work with education, mainly basic schools.
SG: What do you hope to achieve in five years?
MB: My bachelor's in business management, my own house, my car and I should be in a stable job, well established in my career and I think by then I should have started my family.