Monday | September 17, 2001

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US is reaping exactly what it has sown


THE LOSS of lives is never an easy pill to swallow, and my condolences go out to the family and friends of those who died in the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and on the plane which apparently did not reach its intended target.

However, I must also publicly declare my sympathy to the millions of brothers and sisters who have lost loved ones to the injustice, oppression, and exploitation that the United States has been involved in for hundreds of years. I am hereby resolved to offer my perspective on the events of the morning of Tuesday September 11, 2001.

If we are to accept that the plane attacks were committed by terrorist forces based outside of the United States, then we must (as we have been) ask, WHY? The United States since its emergence as the global hegemony, has involved itself in the construction of a world based on policies geared at selfish gain, and disregard for the majority of the global community which does not agree with the Western philosophies on which America stand.

America has for centuries involved itself in exploitation, oppression and terrorism in support of its goal of global Westernisation. It has done so on economic, religious, and cultural fronts, through the physical and mental warfare blatantly declared on all nations of the world in such documents as the Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Roosevelt Corollary. The tables have turned, and the United States has paid for its misdeeds.

For far too long the people of the United States and the world by alliance have ignored the effect of the imperialist American Government. People are fed up, and as they always do, the chickens have come home to roost.

The events of Tuesday morning must be seen as a retaliatory move for the years of economic and social injustice which the United States has facilitated in countries which, as President Bush puts it, does not uphold our values.

The United States is getting a taste of the medicine that they have fed to the world since slavery, through the Hiroshima bombing, the uninvited involvement in the affairs of some Middle Eastern countries and various other injustices which they have committed in the name of Freedom and the American Way. The United Sates is now feeling the snap of the whip and have paid with blood for their wickedness.

I am, etc.,


Jack's Hill, St. Andrew

Via Go-Jamaica

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