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On My Mind - Women...let us motivate and encourage each other

By Michelle Brown, Contributor

AS WOMEN we have an integral part to play in the society today. Gone are the days when we were to be seen, but not heard. We must now realise that we have the potential to make our dreams come true, climb the academic ladder of success and become great leaders today and tomorrow.

In spite of our failures, past life experiences and misfortunes, let us pick ourselves up and plunge ahead. Let us go against the current and not with the flow of things. Regardless of chosen vocations or acquired skills, let us bond together and strengthen each other as we strive for success.

Furthermore, let us continue to pursue careers in traditional male dominated fields as there is no limit to what we can achieve when we have confidence in our abilities. This will also afford us the opportunity to add a feminine view towards balancing and improving any male dominated area. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "you must do the things you think you cannot do; no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

Women, in addition to providing warmth, love and emotional support to our families, we need to serve as mentors, role models, adopted mothers and big sisters to the young girls in our communities, church and the society. They need to have positive influences in their lives if they are to see themselves as being worthwhile individuals. They too need to realise that they are valuable and loveable and can contribute significantly to the society.

Women, we can be happy and live worthwhile, fulfilling lives, a lot depends on us. Let us look inward and upward as we take the step of faith and move ahead. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Helen Keller, based on her life experiences, wrote, "when one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."

Finally women, as we cry, pray, share, work and achieve together, let us remember "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."(Eleanor Roosevelt) This includes you and I.

What's on your mind? Tell us and we'll publish it in this space we've created especially for you. It could be a quirky observation or a serious note, we only ask that you keep it to about 350 words (include a recent photograph and a phone number or an address). We also welcome your letters. Send your views to Flair Co-ordinator ­ Fax: 922-6223; e-mail:; by mail: 7 North Street, Kingston.

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