GarveyTHE EDITOR, Sir:
I write to congratulate Winston Patrick and his team on the casting of the Marcus Mosiah Garvey Millennium Limited Edition bust which in my view is a more than fitting tribute to Jamaica's First National Hero.
What is also of significance is the fact that all the materials used in the preparation and presentation of this must come from indigenous materials.
Maybe it's about time again that the Government and especially the Minister of Education advise just when it intends to begin the teaching of Garveyism as a subject in schools.
Interest-ing also is the fact that part proceeds from the sale of the 1,000 limited signature autographed editions of this bust will go towards the Restoration Fund in the rebuilding of Liberty Hall of King Street in Kingston.
What a dream, Mr. Patrick. Keep it up and I urge everyone who can and who supports the philosophy of Garvey to quickly acquire a copy. It would be a good gesture if some friends locally and abroad put together funding and have one each as a gift presented to the Marcus Garvey High School and the St. Ann's Bay Library.
The work is a masterpiece by a Jamaican who came out of the Edna Manley School for the Visual & Performing Arts. It makes me proud to be a Jamaican.
I am, etc.,
Box 27
Annotto Bay P.O., St. Mary