Stop harassing the tourists!
THE EDITOR, Madam: I WOULD like to make an appeal to the people of Jamaica to be very careful in how they treat our visitors. I know we have been saying this for years and we need to continue saying it: Stop harassing the tourists. A friend of ours visited recently and stayed at a small hotel in Montego Bay. When I asked about her visit she told me that she was harassed inside the hotel. She said the person followed her and her husband around for the three days that they were there. She said this man followed them around, even after they informed him they were not interested in his merchandise. I would like our Jamaican people to know that this kind of behaviour has far-reaching effects. When the lady returned to work, she told everyone about all the harassment she faced. We need to realise that when people say no they mean no and we should respect their privacy. Let's continue to make our country a place that we are proud to live and let visitors feel welcomed when they visit. I am etc., N. JOHNSON E-mail: Via Go-Jamaica
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