Renewing the Civil Service
PUBLIC SECTOR wages at $35 billion are grabbing up 34 per cent of the recurrent budget. Even as Minister of State for Finance, Michael Peart, was giving these figures in this year's Budget Debate and speaking of rationalisation, the Civil Service was...

Children at top of the agenda
AS YOU read this, high level representatives of some 37 countries are meeting at the Jamaica Conference Centre. The agenda is about children. The countries represent our hemisphere - Geof Brown

Lies, damn lies, and statistics?
SOME MIGHTY blunders have been committed with the enthusiastic reception that greeted the mistaken UNDP study ranking Jamaica at the bottom of the pile of countries with respect to income maldistribution. - Daniel Thwaites

Alexander Bedward:
the final solution (Part 2) - Through the 20th Century with the Gleaner
HAVING SEPARATED the Bedward followers into groups of men, women and children at the Half-Way Tree police station the courthouse across Hagley Park Road was being made ready for Magistrate Burke to take what was hoped to be the final step in stamping out