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Shortstory - The Crush Part II

SNIP, SNIP. Blue denim fell to the ground as Danielle used the pair of scissors to cut the new blue jeans her mother had bought into shorts.

"If he doesn't like this, then so be it", she thought as she severed the edges of her new pair of daisy dukes. She rummaged through the clothes strewn about the dorm room floor, searching for anything that was too long to cut a bit shorter.

As she searched she remembered the way Geoffery's girlfriend had looked. Sleek, slim with a dangerously short skirt and shoulder length brown hair.

"So that is what he goes for," she thought, running her hand through her mass of curls. So its the hairdresser next."

She took a thousand dollars out of the wad her mother had secured for expenses, donned the pair of new short shorts and set out for Liguanea where she had seen various signs advertising hairdressers.

"Psst, browning," the taxi driver stuck his head through the car window and shouted, "bwoy girl yuh body good."

She smiled and blushed, this was fun. Being cooped up in St Elizabeth in long skirts and just seeing those thirty-something nerds at church could not have prepared her for this, Men were everywhere, and she silently thanked God that she had opted for college instead of teaching at the local primary school after finishing sixth form. She cringed as she hoped that none of her father's friends would see her, because as the town preacher he was well known throughout the island, and it would be a hellraiser if any of his friends saw her this way.

"But its worth it," she consoled herself as she eyed her newly relaxed hair which now reached below her shoulders at almost the same spot as the girl's.

"Perfect, now there is room for competition."

The catcalls were more frequent as she made the long walk back to the campus. Men stopped in their tracks and horns tooted as her hair bounced when she walked. Life was good.

Geoffery turned when she walked in the classroom at her planned five minutes late grand entrance.

"Wow, you look different," he said as she sat by him, "What did you do?"

"I changed, it was due," she grinned as she caught him staring at her legs, "Wanna have lunch with me today? My treat"

"Sure, I have an hour, who could turn down a pretty girl?"

Her heart skipped a beat. Score one.

Lunch passed by quickly as they spent the time discussing the only class they had together. "I need your help though," he said, "I'm part-time here and I've never done History before. Have you? I bet you are a great tutor."

Things were looking up, and a little lie wouldn't hurt she thought as she nodded, "Sure, I did it right through high school."

"Meet me by the library tonight then, my car is parked there." ("Oh he drives", she shivered with delight.)

"Is 5:00 p.m. okay? I live in August Town and promise I'll have you back on campus by 10:00p.m.

"Sure," she said trying not to sound too eager, "I'll be there."

Damion looked out the window of the bus as it passed the Old Harbour Bypass. She would be happy to see him he bet. And he'd also get a chance to see his brother who lived in Kingston. He'd brought her many goodies from her family and his, and he knew she'd love the surprise. He smiled as he thought about how she'd react when she saw him. He'd been saving ever since he heard that she was going to college and had enough money now for the ride to Kingston and back and to treat her to dinner at least.

"Three Miles stop", the conductor yelled as the coaster screeched to a halt. Damion hurriedly jumped off the vehicle, it was already 8:30p.m., he would have to see her tomorrow, he thought sadly , as he boarded the bus to Half Way Tree, one more stop and he would be at his brother's house for the night. His heart beat as he thought of tomorrow. It would be a fantastic day.

Petulia Clarke

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