IT HAS been announced that Merlene Ottey has been selected to run in the 100m in Sydney. It was also announced that some 26 athletes are protesting this decision and in fact are at this moment waving placards in front of the Olympic village.
The Jamaican people have yet again to endure embarrassment in the eyes of the world. My own view is that Merlene should run. Further, it should have been made clear from the time she ran at the trials that if she regained her form she would be an automatic choice.
This may seem to bring into question the purpose of the trials. As far as I am concerned, the trials give the selectors a good basis to select the team. It cannot be the only determinant in who faces the starter some two months later in the world's premier track meet.
The fact is that Merlene is the best sprinter we have. She is currently running 0.2 seconds faster than anyone else. The logic of having her sit in the stands and watch three other persons represent the 2.5 million people of Jamaica escapes me. That Ms. Dowdie should feel hurt is understandable.
I can well understand her personal desires to fulfill her dreams. I can also understand the feelings in the camp. However, this does not give them the right to publicly embarrass the citizens of Jamaica. The Olympics is not about personal relationships. It is about each country sending their best athletes to compete in an effort to gain glory for the people they represent. In this regard present form would suggest that greater glory would come from Merlene.
I am etc.,