The death of civility
ONE OF the defining features of this age is a lack of civility, which itself arises from many things as well as gives rise to many things. - C. Roy Reynolds
The sacredness of life
PRIME MINISTER P. J. Patterson has said in his recent address to the nation that government has not given up on its desire to resume capital punishment. The Roman Catholic Church on the other hand, ... - Webster Edwards
Thinkers Anonymous
SOME TIME ago I asked my sensible friends to help me figure out the place to which I had returned. One Mr. Charles Hyatt responded by reading me one of his poems called Thinkers Anonymous. - Amina Blackwood Meeks
Storm warnings
CONTRARY TO what the experts had predicted the current hurricane season has been so far rather benign. People should however not be lulled into a false sense of security as not only are there two months left in the season ... - C. Roy Reynolds
This 'yellow journalism' debate
FOLLOWING MY comment on The Observer's use of yellow newsprint pages for its Sunday magazine, SunDay, several readers have been sharing their views. - Desmond Allen