Pioneers party in MoBay
Published: Sunday | September 20, 2009
Sandra Samuels (right), managing director of Totally Male, and her mom, Joyce Marriott (left), are in conversation with Sharon Chambers. - Photo by Noel Thompson
WESTERN BUREAU: When Guyanese-born businessman Howard Bulkan was shortlisted for the Caribbean Pioneers of Prosperity Awards, he had no idea his company would win the coveted prize of US$100,000 (approx J$9,000,000).
Bulkan, managing director of Bulkan Timberworks, along with Haitian businessman Olivier Barrau, managing director of Alternative Insurance Company, and Jamaican businesswoman Sandra Samuels, managing director of St Andrew-based Totally Male ClubSpa Salon, were the top three awardees at the Caribbean Pioneers of Prosperity Awards Ceremony held at Half Moon Conference Centre in Rose Hall, Montego Bay, last Saturday night.
recognition and the exposure
The event saw 10 entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises from across the region being awarded and their companies receiving funds towards staff training. It is the first time the event was being held in Jamaica. Barrau and Samuels' companies each received US$75,000 (J$6,750, 000). None of the recipients will have physical access to the funds, but their staff will benefit from training, which must be done within two years.
"Winning the money is important, but it is the recognition and the exposure that my company will now receive throughout the Caribbean and networking with others that really count," said Bulkan.
hard work pays off
An elated Sandra Samuels told Outlook: "Words cannot express how I feel. it reinforces the fact that hard work really pays off. It feels really great when international organisations can recognise your work. This will give me new energy to continue.
"I feel very good because the foundations on which we are building our company involve teamwork and strong leadership. Receiving this award demonstrates that we are on the right path," said Barrau.
Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett (right) gives Lloyd B. Hunter and Sandra Samuels something to laugh about at a cocktail reception at the Caribbean Pioneers of Prosperity Awards Ceremony, held at the Half Moon Conference Centre in Rose Hall, Montego Bay, on Saturday September 11. Samuels is the managing director of St Andrew-based Totally Male ClubSpa Salon, while Hunter is an adviser to the business.