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Jamaica Gleaner Flair
published: Monday | July 21, 2008

Bernadette Barrow, the SME dynamo at NCB
Don't be fooled by her tiny frame and pretty face. Beneath the beauty lies a brilliant financial brain, and the National Commercial Bank's (NCB's) Bernadette Barrow packs a powerful business punch. She is now assistant general manager - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)...

Jamaican gets CARICOM award

Jamaican Professor Barbara Bailey, director of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at the University of the West Indies, Mona, has been selected as the recipient of the ninth CARICOM Triennial Award for Women, 2008. The award was developed...

Fe-mail Ties: The power of iconic style

Get to the heart of the matter in Fe-mail Ties, a weekly column written by D-Empress. She explores the ties that bind women from Africa to the Caribbean. It never fails to amaze me how the fashion industry has grown to be so influential in every sphere of our lives...

LAWS OF EVE - Joint ownership of property

The topic of this week's article was triggered by questions from a reader about real property (ie, land and buildings). He first asked: "What happens to property when one of two joint owners dies?"

KELLY'S WORLD - Place mash up now!

So there I was, standing in my living room last Sunday night, watching the news, when I felt the jolt. Like other Jamaicans, I felt the earthquake and figured that it would have registered a decent number on the Richter scale.

FASHION: Glamorous in every way

Glamorous gowns, party dresses and even pre-teen outfits were on show at the official opening of the store, Glamorous. The invitation-only soirée saw mostly women mingling around with drinks in hand, all awaiting the opportunity to shop. The new clothing store located at 1 Grosvenor Terrace...

The scaffold piercing

Seventeen. That's the possible number of types of piercings you can get in your ear alone. If you want to vary from the traditional hole in the lobe, you're not short of options. The scaffold piercing is one option which involves not one, but two holes, and is apparently catching...

Crossing the trenches

Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Toni Morrison and Ananci touch the lives of the Trench Town children every day, as the Trench Town Reading Centre continues to provide educational resources for the community's children.The...

The Reality of HIV/AIDS - Diary of an HIV-positive/pregnant girl

Over the next four months, we will follow Gabrielle, who is HIV positive, until she gives birth. Gabrielle* was 17 years old when she found out she was pregnant and HIV positive. She had gone to the medical centre to do a routine blood test when the nurse broke the bad news...

Morti weds his boasty girl

Morti and I were officially introduced by his brother's fiancée, Natasha, in 2000. He told her that he liked me. We saw each other on several occasions, but never spoke. After the introductions, we really got to know and understand each other. We later realised ...

MJW '08 finalists chosen

Sixteen beautiful young women are one step closer to the coveted Miss Jamaica World title, and the chance to represent the island at the Miss World pageant in Keiv, Ukraine.The 16 finalists were chosen in a private judging session held at the Spartan...

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