It is perhaps timely, that both Government and Opposition should be ad idem on the matter of reparation for slavery. We have been tinkering with the issue for generations, but sooner or later it will have to be settled. If we can do itin this generation, great. Some disagree with the request for reparation, but if they would reflect on the content of slavery, perhaps they would change their position.
The essence of slavery is the acquisition of wealth by force without any compensation by the slave owners. Imagine if you may, a payday at Frome Sugar Estate with hundreds or maybe thousands going to the pay office to collect their pay. During slavery they had no payday. This is what reparation is all about, the collection of our ancestors' pay.
The problem is the quantum. It should not be a matter of pulling members out of the sky. One method could be using the annual payroll in the sugar industry, and go back 50 years. Using the wages for the current period will compensate for inflation. It should be emphasised that this is not a request but a demand for settlement. Serious repression and injustice was done that must be addressed.
The British people, who are not strangers to fair play, have acknowledged the terrible aberration.
With proper presentation, they would, I am sure, give serious consideration to our demand. If the windfall is used to revamp the education system, thereby giving future generations the education they need for the changing global environment, then at least we would feel satisfied that the redress is achieved.
I am, etc.,