Arthur Green, Gleaner Writer
Rodney 'Bounty Killer' Price
Yallahs, St. Thomas:
Residents of Grants Pen in St. Thomas blocked sections along the main thoroughfare following the news that Rodney 'Bounty Killer' Price was arrested after his Saddle to the East stage show in Morant Bay yesterday.
According to police reports, Price was taken into custody by the lawmen after he came off stage in the early hours of Sunday morning, following what the police described as a tirade of indecent language during his on-stage presentation at the annual event at the Goodyear Oval in the parish.
Price said he was angry at the police's action when they took a similar stance against other artistes who had earlier performed and had expressed profanity in their acts.
He was later offered station bail by the Morant Bay police and is due to attend court in Yallahs on Wednesday, August 30, to answer charges of indecent language and public disorder. Upon his release, the road block was cleared.