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SRI LANKA: 50 REBELS KILLED, 17 SAILORS MISSING - A nation on brink of war
published: Friday | May 12, 2006

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP):

SOME 50 rebels were killed and 17 Sri Lankan sailors missing after a sea battle yesterday instigated by the Tamil Tigers left the country on the brink of civil war.

Tamil Tigers sank a navy patrol boat off the northern coast as it escorted a troop transport carrying more than 700 soldiers. In retaliation, the navy downed five rebel vessels and the air force launched airstrikes on guerrilla-held territory.

The escalation in violence could mark the return to civil war, as a 2002 ceasefire that stopped almost two decades of fighting appears increasingly unlikely to last.

"This is a very serious attack (by the Tigers), a blatant violation of the ceasefire agreement," Government Spokesman Keheliya Rambuk-wella told The Associated Press.

The downed patrol boat was part of a convoy escorting a troop carrier that was attacked by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam rebels, navy spokesman Commander D.K.P. Dassana-yake said.

"About 15 LTTE boats, including suicide boats, attacked one of our vessels transporting 710 soldiers," Dassanayake said.


"Navy fast-attack boats escorting the vessel engaged the Tiger boats and one of them was destroyed by a suicide boat," he said. "There were 15 to 20 sailors in the boat."

A search was ongoing late yesterday for the missing sailors who "made worthy efforts to save hundreds of soldiers who were on board the main vessel," Dassanayake said.

At least 50 Tiger guerrillas were on the sunken rebel boats and all were believed dead, Dassanayake said. No independent verification was immediately possible.

Meanwhile, rebel spokesman Daya Master said air force fighter planes "attacked two times, dropping bombs in our territory."

The bombs fell a few kilometres from Kilinochchi, he said by telephone from the rebels' stronghold in the town, 275 kilometres (170 miles) north of Colombo.

"We had to carry out the limited operation to ensure the safety of our personnel," said Rambukwella. "If they (the rebels) stop at this, we will also stop."

Helen Olafsdottir, spokeswoman for the European-led Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, said a truce monitor was in the troop carrier with the soldiers.

"This is very serious," she told BBC television. "It is getting worse."

Dassnayake said troops and the truce monitor on board the carrier were unharmed.

In a statement, the monitors accused the rebels of violating their 2002 cease-fire agreement with the government and said they considered the attack a direct threat to their mission.

"The LTTE has made what SLMM feels are threats to our monitors, warning them not to participate in patrols in navy vessels," the monitors said.

"This sort of reckless behaviour can only lead to a dangerous escalation resulting in growing hostilities and jeopardising any possibility for future peace talks," they said.

Also Thursday, two civilians died and at least three other people were wounded in three attacks blamed on the separatist rebels in the north and northeast.

The killings took place two days after Japanese peace envoy Yasushi Akashi failed to convince the rebels to resume peace talks with the government.

Akashi, Japan's special envoy to Sri Lanka since 2002, said relations between the government and the rebels have plunged to the worst level since their 2002 cease-fire.

More than 150 people have died in violence since the beginning of April.

The Tigers began fighting in 1983 to create a separate state for ethnic minority Tamils, accusing the majority Sinhalese of discrimination. More than 65,000 people died in the conflict before the 2002 truce.

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